Baby Bearded Dragon Shedding
Bearded Dragon Care

Bearded Dragon Shedding: What to Expect During This Natural Process

In this article, we’ll discuss a topic every owner encounters at some point: bearded dragon shedding. Just like us, bearded dragons go through a natural process of shedding their old skin to make way for the new. In this article, we’ll explore what to expect during this fascinating journey.

The Bearded Dragon Shedding Process

Before we dive in, let’s talk about why shedding happens. As your bearded dragon grows, their skin doesn’t grow with them. So, they need to shed the old, tight skin to accommodate their expanding bodies. Shedding is a natural and essential part of their growth and health.

What to Look For

You might notice a few telltale signs that your bearded dragon is gearing up for a shed:

  • Dull Skin: Their skin might lose its usual vibrant color and look dull.
  • Whitish Patches: You’ll spot areas of white or faded skin, indicating the shedding process is about to begin.
  • Increased Scratching: Your bearded dragon may scratch or rub against objects more frequently.

The Shedding Process

Shedding usually starts at the head and works its way down the body. During this time, your bearded dragon might appear a bit grumpy or less active than usual. But don’t worry; it’s a normal part of the process. They’re basically getting rid of an old, tight-fitting suit to make room for their new, roomier one!

How to Help

While shedding is a natural process, there are a few things you can do to assist your beardie:

  • Provide a Bath: Gently soaking your bearded dragon in lukewarm water can help loosen the skin.
  • Proper Lighting: Ensure your beardie has access to proper lighting. Adequate UVB lighting is essential for calcium metabolism, which is crucial for healthy bearded dragon shedding.
  • Include Textured Decor: As your bearded dragon navigates their enclosure, they’ll naturally rub against these textures, helping to loosen and remove old skin.
  • Maintain Proper Humidity: Ensure the terrarium’s humidity is adequate to soften the old skin, making it easier to shed.

A Word of Caution

It’s essential to resist the urge to pull off any loose skin during shedding. Doing so can harm your bearded dragon’s new skin, so let them do it on their own.

Izzy Splashing

After the Shed

Once the shedding process is complete, your bearded dragon will emerge looking fresh and vibrant. Their colors will be more vivid, and their skin will be smooth and shiny. It’s like a mini makeover for them!

Tank Clean-Up for Shedding

Remember, shedding can leave behind remnants of old skin in the terrarium. Regular tank clean-up is essential to maintain a healthy habitat. This is where proper habitat maintenance comes in; check out our article on Habitat Maintenance to ensure your beardie’s living space stays clean and comfortable.


Shedding is a natural and necessary part of your bearded dragon’s life. It’s a time for growth and renewal, so embrace it with patience and care. Your beardie will appreciate your support, and soon enough, they’ll be strutting around in their fresh, new skin.🦎💚