Tidbits About Izzy

Tidbits About Izzy

I’m sure you’re interested in knowing more about Izzy, our bearded dragon. Here are a few things to know.

When did you get Izzy?

August, 2012 –Wow! She’s been with us for over 10 years.

Where did you get Izzy?

I’d love to say that we got her from a breeder, but the truth is we got her at a local pet shop. I don’t know that we would have gotten a bearded dragon at the time if it hadn’t been for how much she stood out to me when we visited the store.

How did Izzy get her name?

We actually were unsure what to name our beardie when we first got her, but there happen to be a tropical storm heading our way named Isaac. And at the time of purchase we were told Izzy was a male bearded dragon so we named her Isaac and decided to call her Izzy for short. A few years later we learned Izzy was actually female (more on that in a post).

What’s Izzy’s favorite fruit?

Berries!! She loves berries – especially blue and blackberries.

What’s Izzy’s favorite vegetable?

Izzy eats a wide range of veggies of different colors, but collard greens, leafy greens and carrots seem to be her faves.

What’s Izzy’s favorite insect?

LIVE: She loves mealworms, superworms, hornworms, and crickets. She will eat black soldier fly larvae and wax worms mixed in with her veggies or other worms. Truth be told, she would probably eat anything that moves. Sadly, she ate a baby lizard once. 😩

FREEZE DRIED: She loves mealworms and crickets.